Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shrapnel of something

This is a story about life big and small.

Once upon a time there was a man, sitting in an old couch in the middle of the largest room in the mansion. This man was dressed in a chaoticly bleached and wornout tuxido. The nametag on his chest read "Vincent Gardelliano".

In the middle of this huge room was a table, a table keeping the couch and Vincent company. This table was standing in front of him, holding a book with the title "Alive A life I lived". With it's impressive count of pages, the book was on the border of being too thick for any human to grasp with one hand. This book was actually more of a huge index, showing the personality of all things ranging from rocks to the a bit more complex humans.

Vincent had been studying life since he was little, and discovered that everything had a soul and personality. To learn from books was out of the question, since Vincent thought that narrowing things down into the boundaries of what other people thought would give more of a tunneled vision than a broadend horizon.

With observation as weapon Vincent went out to see the world with life-searching eyes.
Too be continued.

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