Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Mind-Strategies developed to save yourself, Part 1:

Situation nr 1: Someone plays you, They lure you into thinking that they love you and they take advantage of that.

Solution for nr 1:

People who are players, in the term that they use others to gain confidence from tricking you are in fact tricking themselves more than they trick you. Confidence gained from the attention of others brings a temporary satisfaction, what they do not think about is that they will become dependent on others to gain confidence, they trick themselves and by doing so, creating another need for themselves, another obstacle. Like all lies, they create false truths that need maintenance and therefor brainpower. In other words, they fuck themselves up.

Realising the nature of lies
If this doesnt help you enough in getting over someone like that. Realise that the person you think you loved, does not exist, they are a fabrication, a constructed personality they created to trick you. And mourning a loss for someone that doesnt exist, is that really needed?. When you realise this. They will have no power over you again, no matter what they do, no matter what they say.

See it as a strenght from your part, you followed what you felt and that's what's important, to spend energy into something you hope for and give all. It's sign of great characteristics and strong values.

Choices of recovery
Alot of people that are played get a feeling that they want to get revenge. It's only natural to strike back when struck. What is to be considered here though, is the amount of people you save from this chain of vengeance if you process the anger and loss of confidence by yourself or with the help of friends. So... if this happens, you have two options. One: Striking back, playing someone else, continuing the chain of vengance only to subconciously destroy for yourself as in any way of lies. or Two: Taking the hit now, process it, finding an alternative way to regain confidence (I made paintings, for instance) doing something creative about the feelings of being hurt, and in that process save theoretically unlimited amounts of people by cutting the chain of vengeance then and there.

There's already enough hate in the world, let's take it away, one step at a time.

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