Thursday, March 31, 2011

Love-Equation. dont read this.

here comes summer again, the increase of sunshine makes us produce d-vitamins, and the lighter days have a positive effect on our psyke.

In this freedom of coming out of darkness, we feel more open. We become ourselves more, we "fall in love" because we meet someone else that speaks their mind. We are convinced by the equations to complex to understand. Warmer weather means more sweat, more sweat means better de-toxication. We move more, even more detoxication. A feeling of being free, that we then later connect to someone.

When then "fall in love", move together or make habbits that increase our happiness some, then we stop caring as much about ourselves as we should, darkness of winter comes again, first we feel comfort in having someone, then we fear losing them, causing us to act defensively in order not to get hurt. This is subconciously registered by our "mate" and they take distance aswell. With no energy left and the primal defensive mechanisms of winter setting into motion, we dont have energy to find the cause to this.

and so we slowly move apart from oneanother, we feel alone, we resort to temporary happiness that leads to inner stress. We connect this negativity to the person we loved, and we then decide not to be in love anymore because our physical changes made by the enviroment and our habbits were falsely connected to the one we had closest.

We then feel free again, thinking that we have gotten rid of the cause. this freedom either makes us hunt goals again, which then makes us feel better, justifying the reason to leave our heartmate. a winter comes to an end, we've built our confidence again, and we fall in love.. once again.

Sorry people, I told you not to read this.

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